Promenade simulated trial demonstration
Promenade is ready for real operational trials!
In December 2022 the Simulated Trial has been performed at completion of WP5 “System Integration and Testing”.
Leaded by Leonardo to test and demonstrate the readiness of the Promenade Toolkit services to real operational trials. Promenade AI based services for Vessel Classification, Anomalous Pattern Detection, Vessel Risk assessment, Route Prediction, including the Data Lake infrastructure have been successfully tested integrated with end-users C2 Legacy Systems and using a variety of heterogeneous real, simulated, or recorded data including AIS, Radar and Beacon sensors, satellite images, camera images, vessels information from OSINT.
End-users representatives attended the simulated trials and provided feedbacks and recommendations for upcoming operational trials.
Looking forward for the real trials!
Stay tuned to find out more about the future development and results.